Power point shortcuts

To do this
Make selected text bold.
Change the font size for selected text.
Alt+H, F, and then S
Change the zoom for the slide.
Alt+W, Q
Cut selected text, object, or slide.
Copy selected text, object, or slide.
Paste cut or copied text, object, or slide.
Undo the last action.
Save the presentation.
Insert a picture.
Alt+N, P
Insert a shape.
Alt+H, S, and then H
Select a theme.
Alt+G, H
Select a slide layout.
Alt+H, L
Go to the next slide.
Page Down
Go to the previous slide.
Page Up
Go to the Home tab.
Move to the Insert tab.
Start the slide show.
End the slide show.
Close PowerPoint.
Alt+F, X

Navigate the ribbon with only the keyboard

The ribbon is the strip at the top of PowerPoint, organized by tabs. Each tab displays a different ribbon, which is made up of groups, and each group includes one or more commands.
You can navigate the ribbon with just the keyboard. Access keys are special shortcuts that let you quickly use a command on the ribbon by pressing a few keys, regardless of where you are in PowerPoint. Every command in PowerPoint can be accessed by using an access key.
There are two ways to navigate the tabs in the ribbon:
  • To get to the ribbon, press Alt, and then, to move between tabs, use the Right Arrow and Left Arrow keys.
  • To go directly to a tab on the ribbon, press one of the following access keys:
    To do this
    Open the File page.
    Open the Home tab.
    Open the Insert tab.
    Open the Design tab.
    Open the Transitions tab.
    Open the Animations tab.
    Open the Slide Show tab.
    Open the Review tab.
    Open the View tab.
    Open the Tell me box.
    Alt+Q, and then enter the search term
Note: Add-ins and other programs may add new tabs to the ribbon and may provide access keys for those tabs.

Work in ribbon tabs with the keyboard

  • To move to the list of ribbon tabs, press Alt; to go directly to a tab, press a keyboard shortcut.
  • To move between commands, press the Tab key or Shift+Tab. You move forward or backward through the commands in order. You can also press the arrow keys.
  • Controls are activated in different ways, depending upon the type of control:
    • If the selected command is a button, to activate it, press Spacebar or Enter.
    • If the selected command is a split button (that is, a button that opens a menu of additional options), to activate it, press Alt+Down Arrow. Tab through the options. To select the current option, press Spacebar or Enter.
    • If the selected command is a list (such as the Font list), to open the list, press the Down Arrow key. Then, to move between items, press the arrow keys. When the item you want is selected, press Enter.
    • If the selected command is a gallery, to select the command, press the Spacebar or Enter. Then, tab through the items.
Tip: In galleries with more than one row of items, the Tab key moves from the beginning to the end of the current row and, when it reaches the end of the row, it moves to the beginning of the next one. Pressing the Right Arrow key at the end of the current row moves back to the beginning of the current row.

Change focus by using the keyboard

The following table lists some ways to move the focus using the keyboard.
To do this
Select the active tab of the ribbon and activate the access keys.
Alt or F10. To move to a different tab, use access keys or the arrow keys.
Move the focus to commands on the ribbon.
Tab key or Shift+Tab
Move down, up, left, or right, respectively, among the items on the ribbon.
Down Arrow, Up Arrow, Left Arrow, or Right Arrow key
Expand or collapse the ribbon.
Display the context menu for the selected item.
Move the focus to a different pane.
Move to the next or previous command on the ribbon.
Tab key or Shift+Tab
Activate the selected command or control on the ribbon.
Spacebar or Enter
Open the selected menu or gallery on the ribbon.
Spacebar or Enter
Open the selected list on the ribbon, such as the Font list.
Down Arrow key
Move between items in an opened menu or gallery.
Tab key
Finish modifying a value in a control on the ribbon, and move the focus back to the document.

Use access keys when you can see the Key Tips

In PowerPoint 2013 and later, you can use Key Tips to get to things on the ribbon. You can display Key Tips, which are the letters used to access commands, and then use them to navigate in the ribbon.
key tips on the ribbon in PowerPoint
  1. Press Alt. The Key Tips appear in small squares by each ribbon command.
  2. To select a command, press the letter shown in the square Key Tip that appears by it. For example, press F to open the File Tab; H to open the Home Tab; N to open the Insert Tab, and so on.
    zoom in on keytips on the ribbon in Powerpoint
Depending on which letter you press, you may be shown additional Key Tips. For example, if you press Alt+F, Backstage view opens on the Info page, which has a different set of Key Tips.

Move between panes

To do this
Move clockwise among panes in Normal view.
Move counterclockwise among panes in Normal view.
Switch between the Thumbnail pane and the Outline View pane.

Work in an outline

To do this
Promote a paragraph.
Alt+Shift+Left Arrow
Demote a paragraph.
Alt+Shift+Right Arrow
Move selected paragraphs up.
Alt+Shift+Up Arrow
Move selected paragraphs down.
Alt+Shift+Down Arrow
Show heading level 1
Expand text below a heading.
Alt+Shift+Plus Sign (+)
Collapse text below a heading.
Alt+Shift+Minus Sign (-)

Work with shapes, pictures, boxes, objects, and WordArt

Insert a shape

  1. To select Shapes, press Alt+N, S, and then H.
  2. Use the arrow keys to move through the categories of shapes, and select the shape you want.
  3. Press Ctrl+Enter to insert the shape.

Insert a text box

  1. Press Alt+N, X.
  2. Press Ctrl+Enter to insert the text box.

Insert an object

  1. To select Object, press Alt+N, and J .
  2. To move the focus to the Object type list, press Tab.
  3. Press Ctrl+Enter to insert the object.

Insert WordArt

  1. To select WordArt, press Alt+N, W .
  2. Use the arrow keys to select the WordArt style you want, and press Enter.
  3. Type your text.

Select a shape

Note: If your cursor is within text, press Esc before using this shortcut.
  • To quickly move the focus to the first floating shape such as an image or a text box, press Ctrl+Alt+5. Then, to cycle through the floating shapes, press the Tab key. To return to the normal navigation, press Esc.
  • To select a single shape, press the Tab key to cycle forward (or Shift+Tab to cycle backward) through the objects until sizing handles appear on the object you want.

Group or ungroup shapes, pictures, and WordArt objects

  • To group shapes, pictures, or WordArt objects, select the items that you want to group, and press Ctrl+G.
  • To ungroup a group, select the group, and press Ctrl+Shift+G.

Copy the attributes of a shape

  1. Select the shape with the attributes you want to copy.
    Note: If you select a shape with text, you copy the look and style of the text in addition to the attributes of the shape.
  2. To copy the object attributes, press Ctrl+Shift+C.
  3. To select the object you want to copy the attributes to, press the Tab key or Shift+Tab .
  4. To paste the attributes of the shape to the selected object, press Ctrl+Shift+V.

Select and edit text and objects

Select text and objects

To do this
Select one character to the right.
Shift+Right Arrow
Select one character to the left.
Shift+Left Arrow
Select to the end of a word.
Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow
Select to the beginning of a word.
Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow
Select one line up (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Shift+Up Arrow
Select one line down (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Shift+Down Arrow
Select an object (when the text inside the object is selected).
Select another object (when one object is selected).
Tab or Shift+Tab until the object you want is selected
Send object back one position.
Send object forward one position.
Send object to back.
Send object to front.
Select text within an object (with an object selected).
Select all objects.
Ctrl+A (on the Slides tab)
Play or pause media.
Select all slides.
Ctrl+A (in Slide Sorter view)
Select all text.
Ctrl+A (on the Outline tab)

Delete and copy text and objects

To do this
Delete one character to the left.
Delete one word to the left.
Delete one character to the right.
Delete one word to the right.
Note: The cursor must be between words to do this.
Cut selected object or text.
Copy selected object or text.
Paste cut or copied object or text.
Undo the last action.
Redo the last action.
Copy formatting only.
Paste formatting only.
Copy animation painter
Paste animation painter
Open Paste Special dialog box.

Move around in text

To do this
Move one character to the left.
Left Arrow
Move one character to the right.
Right Arrow
Move one line up.
Up Arrow
Move one line down.
Down Arrow
Move one word to the left.
Ctrl+Left Arrow
Move one word to the right.
Ctrl+Right Arrow
Move to the end of a line.
Move to the beginning of a line.
Move up one paragraph.
Ctrl+Up Arrow
Move down one paragraph.
Ctrl+Down Arrow
Move to the end of a text box.
Move to the beginning of a text box.
Move to the next title or body text placeholder. If it is the last placeholder on a slide, this action inserts a new slide with the same slide layout as the original slide.
Move to repeat the last Find action.

Move around in and work in tables

To do this
Move to the next cell.
Move to the preceding cell.
Move to the next row.
Down Arrow
Move to the preceding row.
Up Arrow
Insert a tab in a cell.
Start a new paragraph.
Add a new row at the bottom of the table.
Tab in the bottom right table cell.

Edit a linked or embedded object

  1. To select the object you want, press Tab or Shift+Tab.
  2. To open the shortcut menu, press Shift+F10.
  3. To select Worksheet Object, press the Down Arrow key until it's selected.
  4. To select Edit, press the Right Arrow key and then press Enter.
    Note: The name of the command in the shortcut menu depends on the type of embedded or linked object. For example, an embedded Microsoft Office Excel worksheet has the command Worksheet Object, whereas an embedded Microsoft Office Visio Drawing has the command Visio Object.

Format text

Note: Select the text you want to change before using these keyboard shortcuts.

Change or resize a font

To do this
Open the Font dialog box to change the font.
Increase the font size.
Ctrl+Shift+Right Angle bracket (>)
Decrease the font size.
Ctrl+Shift+Left Angle bracket (<)

Apply character formatting

To do this
Open the Font dialog box to change the formatting of characters.
Change between sentence case, lowercase, or uppercase.
Apply bold formatting.
Apply an underline.
Apply italic formatting.
Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing).
Ctrl+Equal sign (=)
Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing).
Ctrl+Shift+Plus sign (+)
Remove manual character formatting, such as subscript and superscript.
Insert a hyperlink.

Copy text formatting

To do this
Copy formats.
Paste formats.

Align paragraphs

To do this
Center a paragraph.
Justify a paragraph.
Left align a paragraph.
Right align a paragraph.

Insert and reply to comments

Use the Insert Comment command (Alt+N, L) to open the Comments Pane before using these keyboard shortcuts.
To do this
Insert a new comment
Reply to a selected comment

Change order of slides or sections in a slide deck

To change the order of slides in a slide deck:
To do this
Press these keys
Move slide up in order
Ctrl+Up Arrow
Move slide down in order
Ctrl+Down Arrow
Move slide to beginning
Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow
Move slide to end
Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow
To reorder sections of slides in a slide deck:
To do this
Press these keys
Move section up in order
Ctrl+Up Arrow
Move section down in order
Ctrl+Down Arrow
Move section to beginning
Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow
Move section to end
Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow

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